Thursday, April 14, 2011

Spring Quarter Meetings for Chinese Connection at The Art Institute of Seattle

Chinese Connection is meeting every Tuesday at 12:00noon in the Student Activity Center. This quarter we're practicing basic conversation and will probably plan a dinner out in the International District near the end of the quarter. As well, we'll be selecting a Mandarin film to watch for two weeks of the quarter. If you have any questions or want to share ideas, feel free to contact Travis Bond, Club Leader or Brad Huggins, Club Advisor:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Happy Year of the Tiger!

Chinese Language Club is looking for new members! We're working on some of the basics like:

Ni Hao 你好 "Hello"
Ni Hao Ma 你好吗? "How are you?"
Wo Hen Hao 我很好! "I'm good!"
Ni Jiao Shenme Mingzi 你叫什么名字? "What is your name?"

...but as well, the discussion goes into Chinese Culture and Arts. More advanced speakers will have an opportunity to practice Intermediate Level Chinese with a new text that we're using, while helping support and teach beginners.

The Mandarin Language and Chinese Culture are rich and fascinating. Come check it out.

You can contact either or for more info.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Chinese Connection kicks off with a Hot Spicy Bang!


Please come to the Chinese Connection and talk with us about China and Chinese Culture.

Fall Quarter brought on a new club leader to the Chinese Connection. His name is Travis Bond. 他很友好的人!

We're dedicated to helping new students learn some basics and more advanced student to keep practicing and studying Chinese Language & Culture.

How do we do this?

  • language practice sheets
  • guests come to join in the conversation with special knowledge
  • both American and Chinese and Taiwanese student welcome!
  • we eat tasty Chinese Food now and again, which of course facilitates higher learning!
  • literature
  • we watch films like To Live, Ip Man and Warlords
  • play games to help ingrain learning of Chinese words
  • go on field trips to Asian Art Museum, International District and other places!